服务案例 | Cases

来自全国各地超过500名企业主及高管出席年会 | Over 500 Entrepreneur and Executives Attending Event
“寰宇领航 图就未来” ATLAS寰图深圳开业派对 | ATLAS SZ Grand Opening
活动主舞台 | Stage Setup
嘉宾合影 | Group Photo of Attended VIPs
嘉宾圆桌讨论 | Guest Panel Discussion
广东省中医药学会副会长兼秘书长 金世明教授 主持开业庆典 | Chief Secretary of Guangdong Provincial Association of Chinese Medicine,  Professor ZHONG SHIMING Emceeing Opening Ceremony
新加坡旅游局广州办事处处长 黄庆祥先生 接受采访 | Area Director Mr. Etienne NG taking interview
郎咸平教授专题演讲 | Professor Larry H.P. LANG
开幕仪式 | Opening Ceremony
新加坡野生动物保育集团总裁 李明德先生 与业界代表合影 | Group Photo of WRS CEO Mr. M.D. LEE and Representatives of Southern China Travel Institutions
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